From AI Vendor to Strategic AI Partner - a Case Study with BTS

In early 2023, we held our first conversation with BTS. At this time, only a few truly forward thinking coaching firms were starting to build AI into their clients’ learning journeys. BTS happened to be one of them. 

But they had a problem. The AI vendor they were piloting at the time had a clunky product that taxed non-techy professionals. The AI feedback was lacking in a level of nuance their management and executive-level clients would find useful and they were yearning for something more than a transactional ‘vendor vibe’ to their relationship. 

Over the next year I kept Scott Weighart, Director of Leadership Programs at BTS in the loop of product developments. Always inviting him to try the enhancements out for himself, and getting helpful feedback for further tweaking. 

By the fall of 2023, Scott and his colleague Mikkel Schou, Head of Technology Programs, wondered if it would be possible to integrate Virtual Sapiens AI coaching into the very fabric of their Learning Management System journeys. 

Wouldn’t it be powerful if at specific moments during a client’s learning journey, there was a an AI-powered Practice Mirror for them to run through their 3-minute Business Pitch, or perhaps their story? 

As Scott Weighart says, “We were looking for a trusted partner, a company that was nimble and fast-paced, but not so caught up in the AI storm that the relationship eroded over time. We needed to understand the practical application of AI for our clients’ benefit and we didn’t feel comfortable with the plug and play, one-size-fits all approach of other AI coaching vendors.”

At Virtual Sapiens we have always believed in partnering with the best coaching firms in the world, super charging their tried and true coaching programs with our on demand and personalized AI feedback. This was a perfect match. 

Within a couple of short months, Virtual Sapiens APIs were seamlessly integrated within the BTS LMS. BTS clients’ now had access to nuanced AI coaching on nonverbal, verbal and vocal presence metrics within the branded BTS environment and aligned with BTS curriculum. 

From Jonathan Chen, Digital Consultant at BTS, “We can now seamlessly launch participants from our platform into Virtual Sapiens. The setup and configuration requires minimal work (taking just minutes) and still captures relevant details around the individual and cohort usage of the platform.”

The Virtual Sapiens integration has already added tremendous value in 1:1 Advisory Client programs to large group formats – providing every individual with a chance at personalized feedback to improve their energy and expression, their rapport and more. One BTS executive client at a major telecoms infrastructure company said, ‘I got more value out of 45 minutes on this platform than I would have in 24 hours of practicing in front of my bathroom mirror’.

As BTS’ strategic AI partner, we are constantly updating our platform, looking for ways to enhance both the BTS facilitator and BTS client’s experience. 

In our view, this is just the beginning. 

case studies BTS Virtual Sapiens-Strategic AI

Seamless Integration Experience

Virtual Sapiens’ behavioral AI coaching solution was designed with flexibility and ease of integration in mind. Our robust APIs enabled a smooth and efficient integration process with BTS’s proprietary LMS. The technical teams from both organizations worked closely to ensure that the implementation was not only quick, but also tailored to meet the specific needs of BTS and its clients.

The integration was completed in a matter of weeks, with zero disruption to existing workflows. Our APIs allow secure and real-time interaction between the two systems, ensuring that users gain access to AI-powered coaching within the branded BTS environment.

Bespoke and Differenciated Experience

The integration of Virtual Sapiens’ AI into the BTS LMS created a bespoke experience that has since allowed BTS to provide clients with dynamic and personalized integration exercises to reinforce instructor-led training. One example of this in action is when a President of a major American company went through the Practice Mirror feature as part of his coaching journey with BTS. His words: 

“I got more feedback and value out of 1 hour spent practicing on this platform than I would have over 24 hours of practicing in front of my bathroom mirror.”

We are so looking forward to unlocking more powerful experiences like this for BTS’ clients.

Personalized Feedback and Practice Section

In addition to features like the Practice Mirror, BTS clients may also access other Virtual Sapiens functionality like Video Upload and Simulated Conversation. The AI analyzes behaviors differently if the user is standing and presenting for an in-person audience, or sitting and presenting virtually. 

In our hybrid world, having AI that is fluent in both settings is a key differentiator for Virtual Sapiens, and provides BTS clients with an even more realistic platform for practice. 

Quote from Scott of Andy on the added value of having an integration and reinforcement tool that provides nuanced and personalized feedback for users as they go through their BTS learning journey. 

For decades, BTS has been a leader in meeting their clients where they are, and leveling them up to lead in their respective industries. The partnership between BTS and Virtual Sapiens is a testament to BTS’ understanding of the new challenges to leadership and communication in our new world of work. 


The integration of Virtual Sapiens’ behavioral AI solution into the BTS LMS has been a game-changer for professional development. The seamless integration experience, combined with personalized feedback and scalable practice sessions, has created a unique and highly effective learning environment for BTS clients.

As we look to the future, Virtual Sapiens remains committed to driving innovation and delivering unparalleled value through our AI-powered coaching solutions. Together with BTS, we are excited to continue transforming the way professionals develop and thrive in their careers.